Optimising Your Experience at Workday Rising 2023

Workday Rising EMEA is one of the most anticipated events in the Workday calendar. With so much to see and do, it can be hard to know where to begin, especially if it is your first time attending Workday Rising.

In this blog post, we cover everything you need to know about Workday Rising to get the most from your experience. 

1. Book your sessions in advance

Because there are so many great sessions and events offered at Workday Rising, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and miss out on things you’re interested in. The sessions offered at Workday Rising cover a range of topics, and by booking in advance, you can ensure you get to attend the ones that are most relevant to you. Keep in mind that popular sessions fill up fast, so it’s important to act quickly.

2. Balance your time

With so many speakers to hear from it may be tempting to fill your whole day with sessions, but we recommend caution. Take the time to check out the exhibitor hall, network and talk with your peers in the room. 

3. Connect with Workday Partners and exhibitors 

With so much Workday expertise under one roof, you’ll be able to have your burning Workday questions answered. The Preos team will be in the expo hall to talk all things Workday optimisation and on hand to offer any support. You can book a 1-2-1 with our team ahead of time to ensure you have dedicated time to discuss your challenges.

Book a complimentary one-to-one consultation at Workday Rising. 

To help you address any Workday challenges we are offering one-to-one consultations with our Workday experts to solve your specific needs. Contact us to book a time.


4. Use your lunch break to network

During Workday Rising, there will be many networking opportunities. But one of the most conducive times to network is during lunchtime. Resist the temptation to rush off to find food alone or to catch up on emails. Instead, grab your lunch and sit beside a stranger, or better still, someone who attended the same session as you. Strike up a conversation and see what you can learn from them. 

 5. Attend brain dates

Brain dates are sessions dedicated to connecting people with similar interests. Sign up to attend these sessions and leverage that time to meet new people, learn, and even find a resolution to a challenge you might be having. 

6. Engage in social activities

Workday Rising isn’t just about attending sessions, networking is one of the main benefits. Be sure to take advantage of social activities to connect with other attendees throughout the event. 

7. Create your personalised LinkedIn QR code

Make connecting with your newfound contacts a breeze by having your own unique LinkedIn QR code ready to use. Whether you choose to print it on a business card or save it as your phone home screen, this handy tool allows your new connections to scan and instantly find you.

8. Have fun!

Last but not least, don’t forget to enjoy yourself while attending Workday Rising. There will likely be plenty of opportunities for socialising outside of formal events – take advantage of them! Take some time to explore Barcelona. Try new restaurants, visit historical sites, and enjoy all that the city has to offer. 

Curious to learn more about Preos as a Gold Sponsor at Workday Rising 2023? Discover how our team is leading the charge in Workday Optimisation and how you can connect with us at the event.  

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