Get a clear view of your current and future technology capabilities with Preos Roadmap Planning, a valuable tool for establishing consensus on technology priorities and evaluating competing change requests.

With a clear sequence, you can minimise transition effort and costs, and understand the impact of initiatives within and outside your technology ecosystem.

With a well-defined and approved roadmap, planning becomes straightforward, your stakeholders align better, technology gaps are addressed, and your return on investment is maximised.

We capture the current state of your technology ecosystem, establish governance and processes, and help you prioritise future Workday capabilities.

With our visual calendar, you enjoy optimal timing and alignment of activities, making tracking of key milestones easier.

Get a clear understanding of the work needed to reach your strategic goals.

case study

A major technology services company was breaking away from its parent organisation. They needed to upgrade their HR technology systems. Preos stepped in to develop a roadmap that streamlined the HR technology by reducing the number of separate systems and integrations by over 65%.

read the case study

ask yourself

  • Are you clear about your Workday strategy?
  • Is there competing demand for new capability inside and outside of Workday?
  • Does the demand exceed your delivery capacity?
  • Is there significant tactical activity taking place that is not aligned with your wider Workday strategic direction?

Preos can help.

what does roadmap planning with preos show you?

  • The volume of work required to enable your strategic goals.
  • A calendar schedule highlighting key organisational activity, technology contractual dates, and innovation availability.
  • Upcoming strategic technology initiatives, highlighting inter-dependencies with other enterprise systems in your organisation.

what does roadmap planning with preos look like?


Preos Discover icon - binoculars

Capture the detailed current state of your technology ecosystem.
Agree governance, process and assessment criteria for determination and prioritisation of future Workday capability.


Preos Assess icon - Magnifying Glass

Embed roadmap methodology in your
existing planning process, understand key strategic goals and organisational constraints to build the Workday roadmap.


Preos Recommend icon - Lightbulb

Use Workday roadmap to gain executive approval, investment/budget sign off, contextual understanding
and support from key stakeholder groups.


Preos Optimisation icon - Cog

Build iterative plans for executing on roadmap delivery.
Implement the
improvements using Workday’s deployment methodology.


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