Our Privacy and Cookies Policy

Last updated October 2024

In a nutshell

Preos takes its responsibilities very seriously in respects to data privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. We aim to be clear when we collect information about you and not do anything you wouldn’t reasonably expect.

Our privacy policy has been updated to reflect the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation which came into force on 25th May 2018. GDPR gives you more rights over the way organisations use your data – but it is very complex.

This summary is provided in the spirit of communicating in plain English. It does not replace or supersede the content of our formal policy below.

  1. If you are a client we sometimes need to get personal and other kinds of data from you for the purposes of doing business with you and providing our services to you. Occasionally we will need to share it with partner organisations where they are providing part of the service. In the language of GDPR we hold this data under the label “legitimate interests”.
  2. If you are someone we would like to work with we may keep your details so we can contact you about our services. We need your permission to contact you for this reason and you can ask us to stop at any time. In the language of GDPR we hold this data under the label “consent”.
  3. If you are an Associate or a Candidate we need to keep, process and share your profile data so we can match your skills to opportunities. As this process is a core reason why the Preos model works you are assumed to have provided consent for us to use the data for this purpose when you provide it. However, in the language of GDPR we hold this data under the label “legitimate interests”.
  4. We will use processes, systems and good practice to protect your data from hackers and others. We will never sell your personal data.
  5. GDPR gives you a number of rights around your data, including the right to see the data we hold, and – subject to some limits – the right to ask for data to be deleted. See section 8 of our policy for more details.
  6. Unless otherwise agreed with you, we will hold your data for up to two years after we last heard from you, unless we are required to do so for legal or auditing purposes.
  7. We use ‘cookies’ on our website to see how people use the site and to keep a record of whether you are happy to accept cookies. Although it is possible to link analytical data with individual ISPs we do not do so in practice.
  8. If you have any comments, questions or concerns about this policy or how we store, process and use data please contact us info@preos.co.uk.

For further details, see our full policy.