Case Study: 97% Workday adoption through effective change management

Woman adopting Workday after change management intervention

A mid-size UK company growing rapidly through M&A had challenges in designing global Workday processes that satisfied their federated operational model.

Preos set out a change management roadmap which addresses the need for consistent and unified sponsorship from their executive team, a change network capable of identifying local requirements and concerns. This approach and our just-in-time training, led to an adoption rate of 97%. 

The Challenge

Capri had gone live with HCM for only some of their brands, in only some of their locations. The challenge was to seamlessly bring on all their China-based locations for one of their brands, without impacting all their current live locations, while simultaneously improving their global support processes and tools while they integrated the China locations into the support model.

There was some resistance from the populations being brought into Workday in China as they had previously had some issues with their localization requirements not being met in global implementations.

What we did

Preos worked with Capri to understand the challenges, define their objectives and map the stakeholders and impacts. We then assessed the deltas and worked with an extended change network on the ground in the new locations to ensure their needs were fully met in Workday.

Through the execution of a coordinated change and communications plan and ensuring the right governance was in place, we were able to support the local HR teams, managers and employees in adopting Workday in China. This included the development and delivery of training, making sure the users knew what they needed to do in Workday, and how and when they needed to do it.
A key factor was identifying and upskilling key stakeholders to make the change network as effective as possible in articulating the local requirements, identifying the impacts outside of Workday and ensuring there were plenty of vocal and visible champions of Workday available to support in person.

Alongside this, Preos worked with the global support team to ensure that the global support framework was effectively able to address any issues raised in the new location. As we extended the global support framework to accommodate the new location, we were also able to identify and embed improvements to the support tools and processes.

The result

97% graphic

The user adoption rate in China was 97% within one week of go live and this excellent adoption continued resulting in outstanding data completion rates. A key benefit of the high adoption and impressive data quality was the reduction in support queries from payroll, and the Workday to payroll integrations created significant improvements in the monthly payroll processes.

Image (c) Shutterstock | DC Studio