Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Top Talent in Technology and Media with Workday.

Attracting and retaining top talent in technology and media is essential for driving your strategic vision forward.

According to a report by IDC and Workday, nearly half of organisations in these sectors prioritise attracting and retaining top talent as a key driver for strategic success. 

Securing the right talent is not just about filling roles – it’s about building the foundation for the long term.

Engaging a diverse talent pool is key. This is especially true when seeking to include more women in technology. It requires strategic planning and quick, flexible talent management. Profit and growth depend on these factors.

The Needs of the Technology and Media Industries

Tech and media industries exist in a perpetual state of fast-paced evolution, demanding swift action and an agile workforce to fuel mergers, acquisitions, and significant growth efforts. Profit and growth depend on making pivotal decisions. You need to get the right talent in the best positions at the right moment. 

HR Technology doesn’t just support; it becomes the linchpin of talent management success. Here, Workday shines, not merely as a tool but as an enabler of talent acquisition and development. 

Workday’s Role in Talent Identification and Development

Workday is instrumental for technology and media organisations to spot, retain, and secure their top performers. Annual talent reviews support talent decisions. These include promotions, transfers, and career plans. However, many organisations still use Excel and PowerPoint for this critical retention strategy.

About the author

Deniz Gemici, Workday Advanced Compensation, Talent & Performance and Learning Lead at Preos, brings an impressive 12 years of experience in the Workday ecosystem. She’s also a Workday Partner Product Lead, helping to keep Preos ahead of the curve.  Deniz’s passion for her work shines through. With years of experience leading projects, she says “each project has its unique challenges and rewards. I do love what I do.” 

These traditional methods are marked by a lack of data security and reliance on visually unappealing reports for your Executive team to make critical decisions. HR teams spend considerable time making this data visible in PowerPoint juggling between Excel and PowerPoint. Changes discussed and agreed upon during these talent reviews must be fed into the Excel sheet after these sessions. 

Workday offers a great opportunity here.  Talent review in Workday is visual using a calibration process, vital for tech and media organisations. 

    • You can hide employees in certain talent review meetings where needed.
    • You can drag and drop employees in the calibration event and the change will be real-time.
    • You can see relevant employee data on a single screen. This data includes existing succession plans, potential, retention, last year’s and this year’s performance rating, and mobility.
    • In Workday, you can flag top talent. You can then create talent pools to view the information and compare. You can also make plans for this population and send them learning content.

For those at the helm, the need for decision-making armed with insightful HR analytics is non-negotiable. Workday lends itself as the strategic dashboard that delivers just that—vivid, data-driven narratives that enliven top talent management throughout the fiscal year.

Compensation as a Retention Tool

In the compensation review process, Workday gives managers insights into talent attributes, like potential and skill. This helps them make more informed decisions. These decisions retain talent and boost employee satisfaction – a metric that can be regularly measured by an integrated solution like Peakon.

Take the case of dentsu. Faced with challenges in Workday user adoption and fragmented processes, dentsu worked with Preos to unify their annual salary review using Workday. The resulting success story elevated user adoption by 145% and streamlined reward operations significantly. 

Identifying Skills Gaps and Retaining Your top Talent  

Skill shortages continue to challenge retention. Roles are rapidly changing due to tech/infrastructure advancements. So, just upskilling and reskilling is insufficient. 

Workday helps you to upskill, reskill, create succession plans, and provide continuous feedback for more engagement and less attrition. A strategic must in the tech sphere especially.

Analysis of current skills and identifying skills gaps becomes crucial to make sure the right people are placed in the right jobs. If you don’t know what skills you need and what skills your workforce has, you won’t be able to use your top talent. 

Skills-based modelling improves internal career progression. It responds to the needs of employees such as interest in certain skills and opportunities to improve by being placed into specific gigs/projects to achieve those skills or recommended learning. 

This is where Career Hub by Workday can support you to manage existing skills, and skills to be developed by suggesting job openings, mentorship and learning content as well as gigs to support the career progression. 

Tools for Empowering the Individual and Equipping the Manager

It’s an acknowledged reality that employees often leave managers, not companies. Workday’s Manager Insights Hub arms managers with the tools they need for decision-making, integrating performance and talent attributes in one view.

Workday’s Career Path Enabler assists employees in creating a step-by-step path to explore their next moves and reach their career potential.

Recently, Workday has also made it possible to use skills from badged companies, such as Techwolf and SkyHive. This ensures that we can identify the skills based on job and worker data and assess them. 

Tech and media organisations must invest in cloud solutions for core Human Capital Management with a focus on Talent Optimisation, Talent Acquisition and Learning modules in one unified platform, backed by machine learning and AI, to ensure they can identify, develop and retain top talent.

Speed and agility become crucial. This is the competitive advantage of Workday and puts you in an advantageous position among competitors. 

Retaining and attracting top talent lies in adopting strategies that utilise technology not merely as an aid but as an instrument for organisational culture and growth. Through strategic implementation of robust HR technologies like Workday, you can galvanise your current workforce and pave the way for future talent in tech and media.

About Preos

At Preos, we help our clients get the most out of Workday. We ensure your organisation is using the platform to its full potential and getting the best possible return on your investment. 

We address any inherited issues, increase user adoption, offer Workday support and introduce processes to ensure Workday meets – and continues to meet – the needs of your business in the long term.

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